Hello, I am Govind Krishna

Cloud Developer | CSE Student

Govind Krishna's Black and white Image

Hey there,

I'm a Developer from India

I am currently working as Software Engineer at INE, where I am working with powerful IaC and DevOps Tools.

I am a final year Computer Science undergrad at LPU, India. I am doing my specialization in Data Science where I learned different tools & technologies. I am an ML/AI and Data Science enthusiast, I have worked on various projects on ETL, Data Visualization, Data Interpretation, Data Modelling, Exploratory Data Analysis and Predictive Analysis.Led a team successfully to achieve Top 4% position in House Price Prediction Challenge on Kaggle. I have worked on AWS Goat, an open source playground for pentesters and cloud security developers built on AWS.

My Skills

Programming Languages

Python, C++, C, R, JavaScript, Sql, HTML, CSS

Data Science

ETL, ML/AI libraries (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Sci-Kit Learn, TuriCreate), Data Visualization, Data Interpretation, Data Modelling, Exploratory Data Analysis, Predictive Analysis, Hyperparameter Optimization, Ensemble Learning, Deep Learning, Tableau, Excel, Rstudio, MySql.


Terraform, GCP, AWS, Github Actions (CI/CD), Docker, ElasticSearch

My Projects